Privacy Policy of Global Craft & Hobby
Article 1. (General Provisions)
  1. K. Arano & Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") that operates the Web service named “Global Craft & Hobby” (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) respects the privacy of users of the Service (include Students and Instructors and hereinafter referred to as "Users") and exerts extreme caution in managing of Users’ personal information and information which relates to Users’ privacy other than personal information (hereinafter “both personal information and information which relates to privacy” are referred to as “Privacy Information”).
    In addition, hereinafter this “Privacy Policy of Global Craft & Hobby” is referred to as “This Policy”.
  2. The Company both abides by “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” of Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Law”) and other regulations relevant to the Law, and handles personal information collected from Users. The Company also has been continuously improving the handling of Users' personal information, by strengthening the system for handling personal information, by introducing SSL technology, and by taking other reasonable methods.
Article 2. (Agreement to This Policy, Withdrawal of Agreement)
  1. When Users provide their Privacy Information to the Company by making inquiries, registering as the members or registering as the Instructors for the Service, they shall read This Policy carefully and agree to the contents. In addition, regarding the Instructors who belong to an organization, etc., if the organization, etc. inputs the personal information of the Instructors, the Company deems that the organization has obtained consent from the individual Instructors to provide privacy information.
  2. Users can withdraw their agreement to using Privacy Information by the Company at any time.
  3. The agreement and the withdrawal of Users’ agreement of This Article shall be according to the means specified by the Company.
  4. Cookies, IP address, access logs, etc. are used in the Service to collect information about Users' history and preferences. When Users use the Service, the Company deems that they have agreed about the use of these technologies by the Company.
Article 3. (Privacy Information Collected by the Company)
  1. The Company collects and acquires the following information from Users:
    1. Information that they provide to the Company by inputting inquiry form, etc.: including name, information relevant to the inquiry, email address, address, telephone number, age or the date of birth, etc.;
    2. Information that the Company collects from Users by using cookies, IP-address, access log, traffic analysis tools, etc.: including information relevant to connection environment such as devices, OS, browsers, etc., information relevant to their action history or browsing history, etc., information about users' preferences such as lessons taken or viewed, and cookie information, these information does not include information that falls under "personal information" capable of identifying User individual.
  2. The Company collects Users’ Privacy Information by just and legitimate methods, and not by illegal methods that is contrary to Users’ will.
Article 4. (Purpose of Use of Privacy Information)
  1. The Company uses Privacy Information collected from Users for the purpose of operation of the Service. Main purpose of use is as follows:
    1. To disclose to the Students or the Instructors who is the counterparty of the Lesson Contract for the purpose of providing and using the Lessons;
    2. To charge fees, confirm identity of Users, or for authentication service;
    3. To settle or refund the Usage Fee and remit the Lesson Fee;
    4. To respond to users and third parties who have requested information disclosure, etc. based upon laws and regulations;
    5. To implement events, questionnaires, prize competitions, campaigns;
    6. To research, aggregate, and analyze data for marketing;
    7. To respond to problems, or to maintain the systems;
    8. To develop and provide advertisement, and to check the result of the advertisement;
    9. To provide technical support, or to respond to an inquiry, etc. from Users;
    10. To prevent illegal acts or acts that may be illegal;
    11. To give notices regarding the Service and each service operated by the Company;
    12. To respond to conflict or lawsuit;
    13. For purposes incidental to the usage purposes stated above.
Article 5. (Provision of Privacy Information to Third Party)
  1. In the case where the Company discloses or provides Users’ personal information to a third party, the Company both discloses the counterparty and contents of information of disclosure to Users and obtains Users’ prior consent. In addition, except the following cases, the Company does not provide or disclose the Privacy Information to any third party without the Users’ prior approval or permission:
    1. To disclose to the Students or the Instructors who is the counterparty of the Lesson Contract for the purpose of providing and taking the Lessons;
    2. In the case where disclosure, etc. is requested based on the provisions of laws and regulations;
    3. In the case where disclosure, etc. is permitted by laws and regulations;
    4. In the case where disclosure, etc. is requested by lawyers, prosecutors, police, etc. to the extent necessary for the investigation;
    5. In the case where the Company outsources a part of businesses or tasks to a third party to the extent necessary to provide the Service;
  2. In the case where the Company outsources treatment of Users’ personal information to a third party, the Company makes necessary and appropriate supervision to the outsourcing contractor based upon the Law.
  3. When Company provides the Service and advertisements, distributes apps, etc. through a platform of services operated by third parties (hereinafter referred to as “External Service”), the Company may share the users' personal information, etc. with the operators of the External Services. In this case, regarding the handling of personal information, etc. in the External Services, the personal information protection policy, etc. of the operators shall be applied.
  4. In the case where the Company transfers either its business through merger, division, etc. or all or part of the Service to a third party, the Company may transfer Users’ personal information, etc. relevant to the Service to the third party. In this case, the Company both discloses information about counterparty and date of the transferring to the Users, and does not provide personal information of users who does not agree with the transferring.
Article 6. (Managing, Retention Period of Privacy Information)
  1. The Company manages Privacy Information provided or disclosed from Users strictly during they use the Service.
  2. In the case where the Company no longer needs to use Privacy Information that the Company stores, the Company makes an effort to delete the Privacy Information with no delay. Also, the same shall apply to the case where Users require the Company to delete their Privacy Information.
Article 7. (Correspondence to Inquiry, etc. from Users)
  1. Users can request the Company to inquire, to disclose, to correct, to add, to delete, or to suspend the use of the Privacy Information relevant to them that the Company possesses.
  2. The requests of previous section shall be by method that the Company states. Also, the requests shall be only by Users themselves, their legal representative (if Users are minors or adult wards), and agents who authorized by them about the requests.
  3. In the case where the Company receives the requests of section 7-1, the Company confirms the Users’ identity and responds to the request within a reasonable period.
    However, if the Company decides not to disclose their Privacy Information based upon the Law, the Company notifies them accordingly.
  4. Even if the Company receives requests for the deletion of Privacy Information from Users, if the Company determines that it is necessary for the prevention of crimes and fraud, the Company may retain part of their Privacy Information, and Users shall agree to this beforehand.
    In addition, if Users who requested the deletion of Privacy Information have not paid the usage fee of the Service, or if any disputes with them exist, the deletion of Privacy Information shall be made after resolution of the problems.
Article 8. (Usage of Analytical Tool, etc.)
  1. The Company collects Users’ behavior history, etc. by using analytical tool. In addition, part of advertisements displayed on Website related to the Service use behavioral targeting advertising system that a third party provides and that uses cookies.
    Google Privacy Policy shall be applied to the services provided by Google, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Google”).
    About Google Privacy Policy, see below.
  2. Users may refuse collection of their Privacy Information by the Company or to hide or remove the behavioral targeting advertising either 1) by disabling cookies in their browser, or 2) by opting out via the webpage which is associated with the analytical tool or the behavioral targeting advertising.
  3. Users shall take self-responsibility for the change of setting, etc. of previous section, and the Company assumes no liability and responsibility for all damages arising from their changes of the setting, etc.: such as occurrence of disappearance of all or part of information about the Service.
Article 9. (Amendment of This Policy)
  1. The Company may amend This Policy in the judgement of the Company. In the case where the Company amends This Policy, except the case of urgency, the Company preliminarily notifies accordingly to Users by method that the Company judges suitable.
  2. Amendment of This Policy should become effective immediately when the Company uploads the updated This Policy on the Website related to the Service.
  3. If amendment of This Policy is unacceptable, Users may request to delete their Privacy Information against the Company by method stated in Article 7.
Article 10. (Jurisdiction/Governing Law)
  1. This Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws and regulations of Japan.
  2. In the event of a dispute, etc. relating to This Policy the district court having jurisdiction over the location of head office of the Company shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.
Article 11. (Chief Administrator)
  1. The Company appoints the following person to be Chief Administrator of Personal Information, and tries to manage Personal Information appropriately and to improve enforcement of policies related to protection of Personal Information continuously. In addition, the following person should be the contact both for inquiry or advisement about Personal Information and for the requests of Article 7 at the Company.
    Operator of the Service K. Arano & Co., Ltd.
    Desk for Inquiry GCH Management Office
    E-Mail Address
    Method of the claim for disclosure, etc. by postal mail only
    • Please attach an 84-yen stamp (when request from outside Japan, stamps for shipping charges to Japan, etc.), and enclose a reply envelope with your address and name.
    • If you wish to return the item by registered mail, please attach the stamp to the reply envelope and let us know accordingly.
    • Claim by Inquiries etc. other than Japanese may take time to respond to inquiries.
Established on August 1st, 2023